The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 4_PACHIRA_BRAID

Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut' Pachira Braid

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Common Name(s): Guiana Chestnut, Money Tree

Botanical Name: Pachira aquatica

    Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut' Description

    Native to central and South America, the Money Tree is a braided tree that can grow up to 6-8 feet indoors or be trained as a bonsai. In east Asia, the Money Tree is often used by those who practice Feng Shui to bring positive "Chi", or energy, into the room, thus being a popular housewarming gift. On top of that, it is a hardy plant that requires relatively low maintenance. It can tolerate direct sunlight, but prefers bright indirect light, lots of water, and warm temperatures.

    Care Plan for Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut'

    Light: The Money Tree thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It can tolerate low light, but its growth may slow, and the leaves may become less vibrant. Direct sunlight should generally be avoided as it can scorch the leaves.

    Watering: Water your Money Tree when the top 2-3 inches of soil feel dry. It’s important not to overwater, as the roots are susceptible to rot in soggy soil. During the winter, reduce watering frequency to prevent overwatering.

    Humidity: This plant prefers higher humidity but is quite adaptable and can thrive in typical household humidity levels. If you notice the leaf tips turning brown, consider misting the plant more frequently, placing it near a humidifier, or using a pebble tray.

    Temperature: The ideal temperature range for a Money Tree is between 65-80°F (18-27°C). It should be kept away from drafts and drastic temperature changes.

    Child and Pet Safety: The Money Tree is non-toxic and safe for children and pets, making it a great addition to family homes and offices.

    General Tips: Fertilize the Money Tree with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every month during the spring and summer growing seasons. Rotate your plant periodically to ensure even light exposure, which promotes balanced growth. Prune any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain its appearance and health.

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      The Fruitbelt Plant Company

      Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut' Pachira Braid

      From $38.38

      Common Name(s): Guiana Chestnut, Money Tree

      Botanical Name: Pachira aquatica

      Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut' Description

      Native to central and South America, the Money Tree is a braided tree that can grow up to 6-8 feet indoors or be trained as a bonsai. In east Asia, the Money Tree is often used by those who practice Feng Shui to bring positive "Chi", or energy, into the room, thus being a popular housewarming gift. On top of that, it is a hardy plant that requires relatively low maintenance. It can tolerate direct sunlight, but prefers bright indirect light, lots of water, and warm temperatures.

      Care Plan for Money Tree 'Guiana Chestnut'

      Light: The Money Tree thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It can tolerate low light, but its growth may slow, and the leaves may become less vibrant. Direct sunlight should generally be avoided as it can scorch the leaves.

      Watering: Water your Money Tree when the top 2-3 inches of soil feel dry. It’s important not to overwater, as the roots are susceptible to rot in soggy soil. During the winter, reduce watering frequency to prevent overwatering.

      Humidity: This plant prefers higher humidity but is quite adaptable and can thrive in typical household humidity levels. If you notice the leaf tips turning brown, consider misting the plant more frequently, placing it near a humidifier, or using a pebble tray.

      Temperature: The ideal temperature range for a Money Tree is between 65-80°F (18-27°C). It should be kept away from drafts and drastic temperature changes.

      Child and Pet Safety: The Money Tree is non-toxic and safe for children and pets, making it a great addition to family homes and offices.

      General Tips: Fertilize the Money Tree with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every month during the spring and summer growing seasons. Rotate your plant periodically to ensure even light exposure, which promotes balanced growth. Prune any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain its appearance and health.


      • 4" Pot
      • 6" Pot
      • 8" Pot - {Plant Only}

      Pot Type

      • Nursery Pot - {Plant Only}
      • Black Cylinder
      • White Cylinder
      • Terra Cotta
      • Nursery Pot
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