The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 4_EPIPHYLLUM_RIC.RAC.CACTUS

Epiphyllum 'Ric Rac' Cactus

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Common Names: 'Ric Rac' Cactus, Zig Zag, Fishbone 
Botanical Name: Cryptocereus Anthonyanus 

Epiphyllum 'Ric Rac' Cactus Description

The Ric Rac Cactus is famous for its distinctive, wavy leaves that resemble a fish’s skeleton. This epiphytic cactus (meaning it grows on other plants or trees in its natural habitat) features long, hanging branches that can reach several feet in length when mature. Unlike traditional cacti, it doesn't have spines; instead, its soft, green stems are perfect for safe, tactile exploration. During the fall, under proper care, it produces night-blooming flowers that are fragrant and beautiful, often white or cream, adding a dramatic effect to its already intriguing appearance.

Care Plan for Epiphyllum 'Ric Rac' Cactus

Light: The Ric Rac Cactus prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, but too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch. A spot near a window with a sheer curtain would be ideal.

Watering: During the growing season (spring and summer), water the plant regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between waterings. In the winter, reduce watering significantly, allowing the soil to dry out more thoroughly. This mimics the natural dry season that it experiences in its native habitat.

Humidity: As a tropical cactus, the Ric Rac appreciates higher humidity. If your home is particularly dry, consider using a humidity tray or a room humidifier to increase moisture levels.

Temperature: It prefers warmer temperatures and should be protected from drafts and cold, especially during the winter months. Temperatures between 60 to 75°F (15 to 24°C) are ideal.

Pet Safety: Good news for pet owners—the Ric Rac Cactus is non-toxic to both cats and dogs, making it a great choice for households with furry friends.

General Tips: Since it’s an epiphyte, consider using a potting mix designed for orchids or cacti, which ensures excellent drainage and mimics its natural growing conditions. Regularly pruning can help manage its size and encourage more branches to form, enhancing its beautiful, cascading effect.

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The Fruitbelt Plant Company

Epiphyllum 'Ric Rac' Cactus

From $28.28

Common Names: 'Ric Rac' Cactus, Zig Zag, Fishbone 
Botanical Name: Cryptocereus Anthonyanus 

Epiphyllum 'Ric Rac' Cactus Description

The Ric Rac Cactus is famous for its distinctive, wavy leaves that resemble a fish’s skeleton. This epiphytic cactus (meaning it grows on other plants or trees in its natural habitat) features long, hanging branches that can reach several feet in length when mature. Unlike traditional cacti, it doesn't have spines; instead, its soft, green stems are perfect for safe, tactile exploration. During the fall, under proper care, it produces night-blooming flowers that are fragrant and beautiful, often white or cream, adding a dramatic effect to its already intriguing appearance.

Care Plan for Epiphyllum 'Ric Rac' Cactus

Light: The Ric Rac Cactus prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, but too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch. A spot near a window with a sheer curtain would be ideal.

Watering: During the growing season (spring and summer), water the plant regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between waterings. In the winter, reduce watering significantly, allowing the soil to dry out more thoroughly. This mimics the natural dry season that it experiences in its native habitat.

Humidity: As a tropical cactus, the Ric Rac appreciates higher humidity. If your home is particularly dry, consider using a humidity tray or a room humidifier to increase moisture levels.

Temperature: It prefers warmer temperatures and should be protected from drafts and cold, especially during the winter months. Temperatures between 60 to 75°F (15 to 24°C) are ideal.

Pet Safety: Good news for pet owners—the Ric Rac Cactus is non-toxic to both cats and dogs, making it a great choice for households with furry friends.

General Tips: Since it’s an epiphyte, consider using a potting mix designed for orchids or cacti, which ensures excellent drainage and mimics its natural growing conditions. Regularly pruning can help manage its size and encourage more branches to form, enhancing its beautiful, cascading effect.


  • 4" Pot
  • 6" Pot
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