The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 4_FERN_JESTER.CROWN

Jester's Crown Fern

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Common Name(s): Boston Fern, Sunjest Jester's Crown, Sword Fern
Botanical Name: Nephrolepis Obliterata

    Jester's Crown Fern Description

    The Jester's Crown Fern features broad, bright green fronds that are deeply waved and curled along the edges, giving them a unique texture and appearance. This plant grows in a rosette pattern, with new fronds emerging from the center, resembling a bird's nest, which is typical of the Asplenium genus. Its lush, arching fronds can bring a vibrant and lively feel to any room.

    Care Plan for Jester's Crown Fern

    Light: This fern prefers indirect, moderate to bright light but can tolerate lower light levels. However, too little light may lead to less robust growth and fewer of the characteristic ruffled fronds. Direct sunlight should be avoided, as it can scorch the leaves.

    Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Water the plant when the top inch of soil starts to dry out. The Bird's Nest Fern is particularly sensitive to overwatering, so it’s important to ensure that the pot has good drainage.

    Humidity: The Jester's Crown Fern thrives in high humidity environments, which mimic its natural tropical habitat. Increasing humidity through regular misting, using a humidifier, or placing the plant on a pebble tray can help maintain the health and vibrancy of the fronds.

    Temperature: Maintain indoor temperatures around 65-75°F (18-24°C). Avoid drafts, air conditioning, or heating vents, as sudden temperature changes can stress the plant.

    Child and Pet Safety: The Jester's Crown Fern is non-toxic to both pets and children, making it a great choice for family homes where safety is a priority.

    General Tips: To encourage healthy growth and prevent dust accumulation, gently clean the fronds with a damp cloth periodically. Be careful not to damage the new fronds emerging from the center. If the plant becomes too dry or is exposed to too much direct sunlight, the tips of the fronds may brown.

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      The Fruitbelt Plant Company

      Jester's Crown Fern

      From $22.22


      Common Name(s): Boston Fern, Sunjest Jester's Crown, Sword Fern
      Botanical Name: Nephrolepis Obliterata

        Jester's Crown Fern Description

        The Jester's Crown Fern features broad, bright green fronds that are deeply waved and curled along the edges, giving them a unique texture and appearance. This plant grows in a rosette pattern, with new fronds emerging from the center, resembling a bird's nest, which is typical of the Asplenium genus. Its lush, arching fronds can bring a vibrant and lively feel to any room.

        Care Plan for Jester's Crown Fern

        Light: This fern prefers indirect, moderate to bright light but can tolerate lower light levels. However, too little light may lead to less robust growth and fewer of the characteristic ruffled fronds. Direct sunlight should be avoided, as it can scorch the leaves.

        Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Water the plant when the top inch of soil starts to dry out. The Bird's Nest Fern is particularly sensitive to overwatering, so it’s important to ensure that the pot has good drainage.

        Humidity: The Jester's Crown Fern thrives in high humidity environments, which mimic its natural tropical habitat. Increasing humidity through regular misting, using a humidifier, or placing the plant on a pebble tray can help maintain the health and vibrancy of the fronds.

        Temperature: Maintain indoor temperatures around 65-75°F (18-24°C). Avoid drafts, air conditioning, or heating vents, as sudden temperature changes can stress the plant.

        Child and Pet Safety: The Jester's Crown Fern is non-toxic to both pets and children, making it a great choice for family homes where safety is a priority.

        General Tips: To encourage healthy growth and prevent dust accumulation, gently clean the fronds with a damp cloth periodically. Be careful not to damage the new fronds emerging from the center. If the plant becomes too dry or is exposed to too much direct sunlight, the tips of the fronds may brown.


          • 4" Pot
          • 6" Pot

          Pot Type

          • Nursery Pot
          • Black Cylinder
          • White Cylinder
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