The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 3_MARANTA_LEUCONEURA

Maranta 'Leuconeura'

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Common Names: Prayer plant
Botanical Name: Maranta

Maranta Leuconeura Description

The Maranta Leuconeura, commonly known as the Prayer Plant, is beloved for its striking leaf patterns and dynamic behavior. The leaves of this plant lie flat during the day and fold upright at night, reminiscent of hands in prayer, giving it its common name.

The Prayer Plant features decorative leaves with unique variegation. Common varieties include the Maranta Leuconeura 'Kerchoveana', with its light green leaves and dark spots, and the Maranta Leuconeura 'Erythroneura', which sports dark green leaves lined with a beautiful reddish-pink hue. The leaves are broad and oval-shaped, with prominent veins that accentuate their herringbone pattern.

Care Plan for Maranta Leuconeura

Light: Prayer Plants prefer bright, indirect light but are quite adaptable and can also thrive in low light conditions. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves.

Watering: Water the plant when the top inch of soil becomes dry, ensuring the soil is kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Maranta Leuconeura is sensitive to fluoride and other chemicals often found in tap water, so using filtered or distilled water can prevent leaf tip burn.

Humidity: High humidity is crucial for keeping the Prayer Plant healthy, mimicking its natural tropical environment. Use a humidifier, mist the plant regularly, or place it on a pebble tray filled with water to boost humidity.

Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Avoid drafts, sudden temperature changes, and temperatures below 50°F (10°C), as the Prayer Plant is sensitive to cold.

Child and Pet Safety: Maranta Leuconeura is non-toxic to both pets and humans, making it a fantastic choice for households with children or pets.

General Tips: Fertilize every month during the growing season with a half-strength balanced fertilizer. Regularly prune any yellowing or dead leaves and rotate the plant periodically to ensure even growth. Cleaning the leaves with a soft, damp cloth can help maintain the plant’s health and appearance.

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The Fruitbelt Plant Company

Maranta 'Leuconeura'

From $20.20

Common Names: Prayer plant
Botanical Name: Maranta

Maranta Leuconeura Description

The Maranta Leuconeura, commonly known as the Prayer Plant, is beloved for its striking leaf patterns and dynamic behavior. The leaves of this plant lie flat during the day and fold upright at night, reminiscent of hands in prayer, giving it its common name.

The Prayer Plant features decorative leaves with unique variegation. Common varieties include the Maranta Leuconeura 'Kerchoveana', with its light green leaves and dark spots, and the Maranta Leuconeura 'Erythroneura', which sports dark green leaves lined with a beautiful reddish-pink hue. The leaves are broad and oval-shaped, with prominent veins that accentuate their herringbone pattern.

Care Plan for Maranta Leuconeura

Light: Prayer Plants prefer bright, indirect light but are quite adaptable and can also thrive in low light conditions. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves.

Watering: Water the plant when the top inch of soil becomes dry, ensuring the soil is kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Maranta Leuconeura is sensitive to fluoride and other chemicals often found in tap water, so using filtered or distilled water can prevent leaf tip burn.

Humidity: High humidity is crucial for keeping the Prayer Plant healthy, mimicking its natural tropical environment. Use a humidifier, mist the plant regularly, or place it on a pebble tray filled with water to boost humidity.

Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Avoid drafts, sudden temperature changes, and temperatures below 50°F (10°C), as the Prayer Plant is sensitive to cold.

Child and Pet Safety: Maranta Leuconeura is non-toxic to both pets and humans, making it a fantastic choice for households with children or pets.

General Tips: Fertilize every month during the growing season with a half-strength balanced fertilizer. Regularly prune any yellowing or dead leaves and rotate the plant periodically to ensure even growth. Cleaning the leaves with a soft, damp cloth can help maintain the plant’s health and appearance.


  • 3" Pot
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