The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 4_FERN_STAGHORN

Staghorn Fern

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Common Name(s): Staghorn fern, Elkhorn fern

Botanical Name: Platycerium bifurcatum

Staghorn Ferns feature two types of fronds: the basal fronds, which are flat, round, and shield-like, serving to attach the fern to its mounting surface and absorb nutrients and moisture; and the foliar fronds, which are the antler-shaped leaves that grow outward and upward. These fronds are green, leathery, and can become quite large as the plant matures, making it a dramatic addition to any plant collection.

Care Plan for Platycerium bifurcatum

Light: Staghorn Ferns prefer bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the fronds, while too little light will stunt growth and reduce the fern's vitality. A spot near a window that receives filtered light, or a shaded spot in a patio area, is ideal.

Watering: Unlike many ferns, Staghorn Ferns do not like to be overly moist and should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. In a typical home environment, watering thoroughly once a week is usually sufficient, but this may vary based on humidity and temperature. If mounted, soaking the entire mount in water for about 10-20 minutes can be an effective way to hydrate the fern.

Humidity: High humidity is beneficial for Staghorn Ferns, especially when they are grown indoors. If your home is dry, particularly during winter months, misting the plant regularly or using a humidifier can help meet its humidity needs.

Temperature: These ferns prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). They should be protected from cold drafts and extreme heat, which can damage the fronds.

Child and Pet Safety: Staghorn Ferns are non-toxic and safe for both children and pets, making them a worry-free choice for households with young family members or animals.

General Tips: Fertilize the fern every month during the growing season with a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer. Dust and debris can collect on the fronds, so gently dusting them with a soft brush or cloth can help maintain the plant's health and appearance. If grown on a mount, ensure that the mounting material remains intact and secure as the plant grows.

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The Fruitbelt Plant Company

Staghorn Fern

From $28.28
Common Name(s): Staghorn fern, Elkhorn fern

Botanical Name: Platycerium bifurcatum

Staghorn Ferns feature two types of fronds: the basal fronds, which are flat, round, and shield-like, serving to attach the fern to its mounting surface and absorb nutrients and moisture; and the foliar fronds, which are the antler-shaped leaves that grow outward and upward. These fronds are green, leathery, and can become quite large as the plant matures, making it a dramatic addition to any plant collection.

Care Plan for Platycerium bifurcatum

Light: Staghorn Ferns prefer bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the fronds, while too little light will stunt growth and reduce the fern's vitality. A spot near a window that receives filtered light, or a shaded spot in a patio area, is ideal.

Watering: Unlike many ferns, Staghorn Ferns do not like to be overly moist and should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. In a typical home environment, watering thoroughly once a week is usually sufficient, but this may vary based on humidity and temperature. If mounted, soaking the entire mount in water for about 10-20 minutes can be an effective way to hydrate the fern.

Humidity: High humidity is beneficial for Staghorn Ferns, especially when they are grown indoors. If your home is dry, particularly during winter months, misting the plant regularly or using a humidifier can help meet its humidity needs.

Temperature: These ferns prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). They should be protected from cold drafts and extreme heat, which can damage the fronds.

Child and Pet Safety: Staghorn Ferns are non-toxic and safe for both children and pets, making them a worry-free choice for households with young family members or animals.

General Tips: Fertilize the fern every month during the growing season with a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer. Dust and debris can collect on the fronds, so gently dusting them with a soft brush or cloth can help maintain the plant's health and appearance. If grown on a mount, ensure that the mounting material remains intact and secure as the plant grows.


  • 4" Pot
  • 6" Pot

Pot Style

  • Nursery Pot
  • Black Cyclinder
  • White Cyclinder
  • Terra Cotta
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