The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 4_CALATHEA_RATTLESNAKE

Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'

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Common Names: Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant 
Botanical Name: Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'

    Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake' Plant Description

    The Rattlesnake Plant boasts long, wavy leaves that are green with dark green spots and a beautiful purple underside. The patterns resemble the skin of a reptile, hence the name "Rattlesnake." This plant is a member of the prayer plant family, Marantaceae, which means its leaves move up and down in response to the daily light cycle, a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. This movement adds an extra layer of appeal, as the plant seems to 'come alive.'

    Care Plan for Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'

    Light: The Rattlesnake Plant thrives in medium to bright, indirect light. It can tolerate low light but might lose some vibrancy in its leaf coloring and patterns. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause the leaves to fade and even burn.

    Watering: Consistency is key with the Rattlesnake Plant. It prefers the soil to be consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the top inch of the soil starts to feel dry. It’s important to use lukewarm water to avoid shocking the plant, and if possible, use distilled or rainwater to avoid the build-up of mineral salts that can occur with hard tap water.

    Humidity: High humidity is crucial for keeping this plant happy. This plant loves a humid environment typical of its native tropical habitat. You can increase humidity around the plant by placing it on a pebble tray filled with water or using a humidifier.

    Temperature: It prefers temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Keep it away from drafts and cold windows during the winter.

    Child and Pet Safety: One of the great advantages of the Rattlesnake Plant is that it is non-toxic to both pets and children. This makes it an excellent choice for pet-friendly homes where furry friends might be tempted to nibble on your greenery.

    General Tips: Yellowing leaves may indicate overwatering, while dry, crispy leaves typically suggest under-watering or low humidity. Regular misting can help mitigate these issues, especially in drier environments. Additionally, cleaning the leaves occasionally with a damp cloth can help maintain their health and appearance by removing dust.

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    The Fruitbelt Plant Company

    Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'

    From $28.28
    Common Names: Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant 
    Botanical Name: Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'

      Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake' Plant Description

      The Rattlesnake Plant boasts long, wavy leaves that are green with dark green spots and a beautiful purple underside. The patterns resemble the skin of a reptile, hence the name "Rattlesnake." This plant is a member of the prayer plant family, Marantaceae, which means its leaves move up and down in response to the daily light cycle, a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. This movement adds an extra layer of appeal, as the plant seems to 'come alive.'

      Care Plan for Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'

      Light: The Rattlesnake Plant thrives in medium to bright, indirect light. It can tolerate low light but might lose some vibrancy in its leaf coloring and patterns. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause the leaves to fade and even burn.

      Watering: Consistency is key with the Rattlesnake Plant. It prefers the soil to be consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the top inch of the soil starts to feel dry. It’s important to use lukewarm water to avoid shocking the plant, and if possible, use distilled or rainwater to avoid the build-up of mineral salts that can occur with hard tap water.

      Humidity: High humidity is crucial for keeping this plant happy. This plant loves a humid environment typical of its native tropical habitat. You can increase humidity around the plant by placing it on a pebble tray filled with water or using a humidifier.

      Temperature: It prefers temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Keep it away from drafts and cold windows during the winter.

      Child and Pet Safety: One of the great advantages of the Rattlesnake Plant is that it is non-toxic to both pets and children. This makes it an excellent choice for pet-friendly homes where furry friends might be tempted to nibble on your greenery.

      General Tips: Yellowing leaves may indicate overwatering, while dry, crispy leaves typically suggest under-watering or low humidity. Regular misting can help mitigate these issues, especially in drier environments. Additionally, cleaning the leaves occasionally with a damp cloth can help maintain their health and appearance by removing dust.


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