The Fruitbelt Plant Company  |  SKU: 4_CORDYLINE_CALYPSO.QUEEN

Cordyline 'Calypso Queen'

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Common Name(s): Calypso Queen
Botanical Name: Cordyline fruticosa 'Calypso Queen'

Cordyline 'Calypso Queen' Description

Cordyline 'Calypso Queen' boasts glossy leaves that are a deep burgundy or red, edged with vibrant pink. The leaves are broad and strap-like, arching elegantly as they grow. This plant typically forms a single trunk and can grow fairly tall, which allows it to make a dramatic statement in any setting.

Care Plan for Cordyline 'Calypso Queen'

Light: This Cordyline thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while too little light can cause the colors to fade and the plant to become leggy.

Watering: Water the 'Calypso Queen' when the top inch of soil feels dry. It’s important not to overwater, as Cordylines are susceptible to root rot if kept too moist. Ensure the pot has good drainage to help manage soil moisture.

Humidity: Cordyline 'Calypso Queen' prefers higher humidity but can adapt to average household humidity levels. If the air is too dry, particularly in heated indoor environments, consider using a humidifier or misting the plant regularly.

Temperature: Keep the plant in an environment that’s consistently warm, with temperatures ranging from 65-85°F (18-29°C). Avoid drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

Child and Pet Safety: It is important to note that Cordyline plants are toxic to both pets and humans if ingested. They can cause symptoms such as nausea, drooling, and difficulty swallowing due to their saponin content. Therefore, it is advisable to place the plant out of reach of children and pets.

General Tips: Fertilize your Cordyline every month during the spring and summer with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Prune any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain the plant’s appearance and health.

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The Fruitbelt Plant Company

Cordyline 'Calypso Queen'

From $22.22
Common Name(s): Calypso Queen
Botanical Name: Cordyline fruticosa 'Calypso Queen'

Cordyline 'Calypso Queen' Description

Cordyline 'Calypso Queen' boasts glossy leaves that are a deep burgundy or red, edged with vibrant pink. The leaves are broad and strap-like, arching elegantly as they grow. This plant typically forms a single trunk and can grow fairly tall, which allows it to make a dramatic statement in any setting.

Care Plan for Cordyline 'Calypso Queen'

Light: This Cordyline thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while too little light can cause the colors to fade and the plant to become leggy.

Watering: Water the 'Calypso Queen' when the top inch of soil feels dry. It’s important not to overwater, as Cordylines are susceptible to root rot if kept too moist. Ensure the pot has good drainage to help manage soil moisture.

Humidity: Cordyline 'Calypso Queen' prefers higher humidity but can adapt to average household humidity levels. If the air is too dry, particularly in heated indoor environments, consider using a humidifier or misting the plant regularly.

Temperature: Keep the plant in an environment that’s consistently warm, with temperatures ranging from 65-85°F (18-29°C). Avoid drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

Child and Pet Safety: It is important to note that Cordyline plants are toxic to both pets and humans if ingested. They can cause symptoms such as nausea, drooling, and difficulty swallowing due to their saponin content. Therefore, it is advisable to place the plant out of reach of children and pets.

General Tips: Fertilize your Cordyline every month during the spring and summer with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Prune any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain the plant’s appearance and health.


  • 4" Pot
  • 6" Pot
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